Our Birmingham office can provide expert legal services to businesses and private individuals from all walks of life.
Lia Solicitors in Birmingham is a unique law firm who understand our clients’ needs both from the legal and cultural point of view.
We work to create a unique strategy which ensures that our clients’ issues are fully and comprehensively solved in the most effective and efficient manner.
It can be a difficult time for everybody so we understand how difficult a divorce or separation can be. We will be there to help you legally every step of the way.
We can help with and advise on any of these duties including:
Applying for a Grant of Probate
Investigating and valuing the estate
Collecting estate funds
Filling out income and inheritance tax returns and paying any tax due
Paying creditors
Selling or transferring ownership of property
Distributing funds and assets according to the Will
The basic process for an executor is:
Gather the full details of the estate’s assets and debts
Apply for Grant of Probate (permission to administer the estate and pass out inheritance)
Complete an inheritance tax return and pay any tax due
You receive a Grant of Probate
Repay any of the deceased’s outstanding debts
Distribute the rest of the estate according to the instructions left in the Will.
When carrying out work in the administration of an estate (also known as probate) there are various factors we consider when calculating our costs. These include time spent, the experience of the fee earner dealing with the matter and also the complexity of the case. In addition, factors such as whether there is Inheritance Tax payable can affect our costs, so it is difficult to give exact figures for costs in all cases.
However, the following will give you an indication of how we calculate our costs in different situations.
Our costs are based on the hourly charging rate of the individual dealing with your case.
We are usually asked to act in three different circumstances:
Obtaining Grant of Representation only, where there is no Inheritance Tax payable
If we are acting on this basis then we would ask you to provide us with the necessary information to obtain the Grant, such as balances on bank accounts, valuations of property etc.
Estimated legal fees £1,600.00 + VAT of £320.00.
Likely disbursements* in addition are as follows:
Probate Court Fees of £273.00 plus £1.50 for each Office Copy of the Grant required.
Obtaining Grant of Representation only, where there is Inheritance Tax payable
Estimated legal fees between £2,500.00 + VAT of £500.00 to £4,000.00 + VAT of £800.00
The work would include asking you to provide us with the valuations as indicated above and in addition we will then prepare the Inland Revenue Account and advise as to how the initial Inheritance Tax can be paid.
The fee may be greater if the estate is very large (in excess of £1 million) or complex issues such as foreign domicile, foreign property, sizeable shareholdings, lifetime gifts or gifts from income.
Likely disbursements in addition are as follows:
Probate Court Fees of £273.00 plus £1.50 for each Office Copy of the Grant required.
Full estate administration
When dealing with full administration we would deal with all necessary work in the administration.
We will provide you with an estimate of legal fees up to the obtaining of the Grant of Probate and then an estimate of costs for work to be carried out thereafter.
An estimate of fees up to the obtaining of the Grant of Probate is between £4,000.00 + VAT of £800.00 and £5,000.00 + VAT of £1,000.00 depending upon the complexity of the estate.
Costs after obtaining the Grant are usually in the region of a further £1,500.00 + VAT of £300.00 to £2,500.00 + VAT of £500.00 at least, however please note, this is only an estimate.
If an estate is more complex, costs may be considerably more than this.
Likely disbursements in addition are as follows:
Probate Court Fees of £273.00 plus £1.50 for each Office Copy of the Grant required.
Excluded costs: The costs of dealing with a sale or transfer of a property are not included the above.
The above is related to uncontested cases where all the assets are in the UK.
Any taxes that may be payable will be additional to our prices.
For more information on Inheritance Tax please visit www.gov.uk.
Additional costs
There are other factors that can affect the costs on the administration of an estate in all three of the above categories.
• Whether there is a valid will.
• If there is more than one property.
• If there are a considerable number of bank and building society accounts.
• Where there are a considerable number of shareholdings.
• Where there are foreign assets or a foreign domicile element to the estate.
• Where there are a large number of beneficiaries, where beneficiaries are living abroad or if whereabouts of certain beneficiaries are unknown.
• Where there are disputes between beneficiaries or executors.
• If disputes arise this is likely to lead to an increase in the cost.
• Claims made against an estate (which is becoming more common) can increase costs considerably (including claims from the Department of Works and Pensions).
• Dealing with outstanding Income Tax matters. Where there are business or agricultural assets.
This very much depends on whether there is any Inheritance Tax payable and the overall complexity of the estate.
In a relatively simple estate where there is no Inheritance Tax payable then we would hope to have obtained the Grant of Probate within 12 to 16 weeks approximately.
However, this time estimate can be increased if there is Inheritance Tax payable or if the situation is one where even though there is no Inheritance Tax payable we still have to file a full Inland Revenue Account with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) e.g. where the estate is in excess of £1m.
In such cases we have to await a Receipt from the HMRC which can take some time to obtain.
Collecting in assets can take a further 12 to 16 weeks and if there is a property to be sold then the timescales are dependent on the sale.
Other factors such as auctioning personal effects, dealing with enquiries from the Department of Work & Pensions and chasing banks and investment companies for tax information can all add to the length of time an administration takes.
* Disbursements
Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.
Please note that the above figures and time estimates provided are purely intended as a guide. Specific estimates for your matter will be provided at the commencement and during the course of your matter
This is a way of giving a trustworthy person the ability to make legal decisions if a person lacks the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves or if a person simply does not wish to make them anymore.
The precise stages involved in immigration matter vary according to the application and circumstances.
However, below we have suggested some key stages that you may wish to take into consideration:
Obtaining relevant information from you
Providing legal advice on the relevant law and merits of your application
Providing legal advice on completing the form
Providing legal advice on your eligibility for payment of the health surcharge (if applicable)
Submitting your application to the Home Office together with any relevant fees
If you intend to work or join a family member in the UK, get in touch with us and we can help with your legal enquiries.
Our Immigration work is generally fixed fee, so the fee you are quoted at the outset will be the fee you pay.
We also allow Client’s to pay in instalments so it is easier on the pocket. Contact us today to find out about our payment plans to meet your needs.
Your fee will include a consultation, a document list specific to your case, a review of the documents you provide, the application to the Home Office, booking an appointment at the relevant embassy and advice and guidance throughout your case.
Visa types and their Fee estimates
Partner (Fiancée, Spouse, Civil Partner, Child) Initial: £2,500 - £3,000 Plus VAT (currently at 20%)
Dependant: £900 - £1,200 Plus VAT (currently at 20%)
Visitor Initial: £800 - £1,200 Plus VAT (currently at 20%)
Individual applying to become British (Naturalisation) - £1,500 - £2,000 Plus VAT (currently at 20%)
Indefinite Leave to Remain - £1,500 - £2,000 Plus VAT (currently at 20%)
Dependant: £900 - £1,200 Plus VAT (currently at 20%)
* Disbursements
Disbursements are costs that are payable to third parties, such as visa fees.
As with our fees, the below disbursements exclude VAT.
We have marked where VAT at 20% may be chargeable but we will confirm whether VAT is payable when you instruct us.
The costs quoted here do not include:
Any Home Office and official fees for submitting the application which vary as follows:-
Visit visa – short up to 6 months - £115
Visit visa – long up to 2 years - £432
Visit visa – long up to 5 years - £771
Visit visa – long up to 10 years - £963
Route to Settlement - £1846.00
Cost for each dependant added to your application - £1,846.00.
Indefinite Leave to Remain - £2885.00
Individual applying to become British (Naturalisation) - £1,630.00.
Please see the following link for further information:
Official translation fees which vary depending on the language and the number of documents requiring translation.
We will normally be able to submit most types of application within 6 weeks of instruction provided we have received all the necessary documentation, however in urgent cases we can make an application more quickly.
We cannot guarantee how long the Home Office will take to process your application.
However, the current processing times can be found on the Home Office website. Please note the anticipated number of hours and fees are estimates based the average cost in previous cases we have dealt with.
All applications are likely to vary and of course, we can give you a more accurate estimate once we have more information about your specific case.
The period of time an immigration matter will take will depend on the type of immigration application.
The average process takes between 6 months to 9 months but can take longer and in some cases considerably longer depending on the nature and complexity of the case.
If you are buying or selling a property, you will need help with all the paperwork you will need to go through.
We can advise on issues such as stamp duty, searches and property deeds, among many other aspects.
Our fees are generally dependent upon the sale/purchase price and the complexity of the matter.
Typical fees based on the purchase/sale price are as follows:
Residential Conveyancing Costs.
Freehold Sale @ £150,000.00 - £300,000.00
£1,100.00 Plus VAT.
Freehold Sale @ £301,000.00 - £500,000.00
£1,400.00 Plus VAT.
Freehold Sale @ £501,000.00+
£1,600.00 Plus VAT.
Leasehold Sale @ £150,000.00 - £300,000.00
£1,400.00 Plus VAT.
Leasehold Sale @ £301,000.00 - £500,000.00
£1,800.00 Plus VAT.
Leasehold Sale @ £500,000.00+
£2,000.00 Plus VAT
Commercial Freehold Sale @ £150,000.00 - £500,000.00
£1,400.00 - £1,600.00 Plus VAT
Commercial Leasehold Sale @ £150,000.00 - £500,000.00
£1,600.00- £1,800.00 Plus VAT
Freehold Purchase @ £150,000.00 - £300,000.00
£1,400.00 - £1,600.00 Plus VAT
Freehold Purchase @ £301,000.00 - £500,000.00
£1,800.00 - £2,000.00 Plus VAT
Freehold Purchase @ £501,000.00+
£2,200.00 - £2,600.00 Plus VAT
Leasehold Purchase @ £150,000.00 - £300,000.00
£1,400.00 – £1,600.00 Plus VAT
Leasehold Purchase @ £301,000.00 - £500,000.00
£1,800.00 – £2,000.00 Plus VAT
Leasehold Purchase @ £500,000.00+
£2,200.00 Plus VAT
Commercial Freehold Purchase @ £150,000.00 - £300,000.00
£1,400.00 - £1,600.00 Plus VAT
Commercial Freehold Purchase @ £301,000.00 - £500,000.00
£1,600.00 - £1,800.00 Plus VAT
Commercial Freehold Purchase @ £500,000.00+
£1,800.00 - £2,000.00 Plus VAT
Commercial Leasehold Purchase @ £150,000.00 - £300,000.00
£1,600.00 - £1,800.00 Plus VAT
Commercial Leasehold Purchase @ £301,000.00 - £500,000.00
£1,800.00 - £2,000.00 Plus VAT
Freehold Right to Buy @ Under £100,000.00.
£900.00 - £1,300.00 Plus VAT.
Leasehold Right to Buy @ Under £100,000.00
£1,100.00 - £1,400.00 Plus VAT
Auction Purchase @ Under £200,000.00
£1,200.00- £1,400.00 Plus VAT
Re-Mortgage @ Under £200,000.00
£900.00 - £1,200.00 Plus VAT
Transfer of Equity (No Financial Consideration)
£900.00 - £1,100.00 Plus VAT
Shared Ownership Purchase @ Under £100,000.00
£1,200.00 - £1,400.00+ VAT
We will add VAT to our fees at the rate that applies when the work is done.
The current applicable rate is 20%.
Our Conveyancing Services include (but not limited to):- Dealing with registration at the Land Registry; and dealing with the payment of Stamp Duty Land Tax if the property is in England or Land Transaction Tax if the property you wish to buy is in Wales.
Please note in addition to the above standard transaction, the following additional costs may apply depending on the nature of the transaction:-
Below is a list of common disbursements payable by you in connection with a purchase:-
How long it will take from your offer being accepted until you can move in to your house will depend on a number of factors however the average process takes between approximately 8 – 12 weeks.
It’s important to remember that the precise stages involved in the purchase of a residential property may vary according to the circumstances. However, below is an indication of the key stages in a typical purchase transaction:
Take your instructions and give you initial advice
Receive and advise on contract documents
Carry out searches
Make any necessary enquiries of the seller’s solicitor
Give you advice on all documents and information received
Go through conditions of mortgage offer with you
Attendance with you to sign or sending final contract to you for signature
Agree completion date (date from which you own the property)
Exchange contracts and notify you that this has happened
Arrange for all monies needed to be received from lender and you
Complete purchase
Deal with payment of Stamp Duty/Land Tax
Deal with application for registration at Land Registry
It can be very nerve-wracking having litigation proceedings taken against you, or if you are taking legal action against someone else. We can help you through all of the legal processes to ensure that you are given the fairest outcome.
If you are not happy with the service provided to you and/or the handling or storage of your personal data, you should contact the person contact Ms Soraya Nabi on 0121 444 0020 or email info@liasolicitors.co.uk or by post to 6 Poplar Road Kings Heath Birmingham B14 7AD
We will carry out an investigation into your complaint and provide you with a response within 15 business days. If the matter is complex and it takes longer to deal with your complaint, we will let you know as soon as possible and give you an approximate timescale of when you can expect a response. We may suggest a telephone call or meeting to discuss matters. If you have a preference for how they communicate their response to you please let us know.
Referral To The Legal Ombudsman
If you are not satisfied with the final response from our Client Care & Resolution Team, or you have not received a response to your complaint within eight weeks, you may refer your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman. They expect complaints to be brought to them within one year of the date of the act/omission about which you are concerned, or one year from when you reasonably should have known about a complaint. The Legal Ombudsman will usually only agree to investigate where they have been contacted within six months of our final response to the complaint.
The Legal Ombudsman’s contact details are as follows:
Telephone: 0300 555 0333 (international: +44 121 245 3050)
Email: enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk
Website: www.legalombudsman.org.uk
Legal Ombudsman
PO Box 6167
What to do if you are unhappy with our behaviour
If you are concerned that we haven’t adhered to the SRA Rules and Regulations you can report your concerns to the SRA:
Solicitors Regulation Authority,
The Cube
199 Wharfside Street
B1 1RN
Telephone: 0370 606 2555 inside the UK or +44 (0)121 329 6800 from overseas
Email: report@sra.org.uk
Having a profesionally drawn Will is the only method to protect your family and give you tranquillity of mind.
Without a will (intestate) when you die you may have no control of where your assets will go.
There could be many legal issues and complications left for your family in an already difficult time.
Don’t hold off and write a will today.
Our costs for drawing up your Will:-
Single Will - £175.00 plus VAT at 20% (£210.00).
Joint Wills - £275.00 plus VAT at 20% (£330.00)
When it comes to making a will, you may want to talk through your options face to face with a professional, before making any decisions.
With our home visit will writing service, we can visit you at home to discuss your circumstances, answer your questions and make recommendations on the best estate planning solutions for your needs.
Costs for a Home Visit Will Service:-